Pastor's Update

The Sacrament of the Altar

Dear friends in Christ, This month, you will notice a change in the placements of the elements for Holy Communion as they are returned to the altar. First of all, we must understand that where we place the elements for the Lord’s Supper is not commanded to us in scripture. We can have them...

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Looking Back and Looking Ahead

As I approach retirement, I can’t help but looking back and see all the unexpected twists and turns that I never could have foreseen that have become such great blessings for me. As Assignment Day approached in the spring of 1982, I dreamed of being called to a nice, cushy...

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Grumbling or Gratitude??? August, 2023

Worship is designed to move the meditation of your heart from self-centered complaint to Godglorifying praise. Every day of your life you will find reasons to complain and every day of your life you will have reasons to be thankful. These two themes, complaint and gratitude, pull at the heart of...

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Pie with Pastor & Sue - June & July, 2023

First Things – June & July, 2023 Pie with Pastor & Sue What’s this? It occurred to me a while back that: ï‚· I don’t always know what’s going on in the lives of our members, even those who are in worship pretty much every Sunday ï‚· It would be good for everyone to...

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On Christ's Ascension I Now Build - May, 2023

Ascension Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of church festivals – it don’t get no respect (and if you’re under 50 and wondering who Rodney Dangerfield is, watch THIS). Many (most?) churches – even WELS churches – don’t have worship services anymore because attendance...

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Don't Be... April, 2023

What are the first words that are actually SPOKEN in the New Testament? They are the words of the angel Gabriel, when he appeared in the temple to announce to Zacharias that he would have a son (John the Baptist). The words were: DON’T BE AFRAID. The same angel spoke the same greeting...

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If You're God's Child - March, 2023

     If you’re God’s child – and you are, by faith in Jesus Christ - you can rest assured today that both your standing as God’s child and his protection are sure and secure. These are two things in life you simply don’t have to worry about anymore,...

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To Africa, With Love - February, 2023

     With the permission of the Board for Lay Ministry, I’ve been serving as the chairman of the Administrative Committee for Africa (ACA) for the WELS Board for World Missions. When I graduated from the seminary, serving in world missions was the furthest thing from my...

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Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me? - January, 2023

The Book of Concord, the 600-plus-page book which contains the doctrinal statements of the Lutheran Church is not light reading. But there are some places where it really grabs your attention and speaks to your heart. One of them is when it talks about what the Bible teaches about election. The...

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The Blessings of Belonging to a Liturgical Church - December, 2022

The Lutheran Church has always been a liturgical church. Liturgical means having organized worship. The ENTIRE YEAR has organized worship. We follow the “church year” and its “seasons:” To read the newsletter in its entirety download here.

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